VAM Orchestral Program Application Form Orchestral Program - Application Form "*" indicates required fields Student Name* First Last Age*Instrument*School attending in September*School grade in September*Is the student a current VAM Orchestra student who wishes to continue in the same level? Yes, this is for a current VAM Orchestra student who wishes to continue in the same level No, this student is a VAM Orchestra student who wishes to audition for another level No, this student is new to the VAM Orchestral Program Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*Contact Name (parent/guardian name if student is under 18)*Contact Email (parent/guardian email if student is under 18)* RCM and/or Suzuki levelIs the student taking private lessons at VAM?* Yes No Teacher's nameTeacher's Email Convenient option for sending future concert invitationsIs the student a VAM College/YACP Student?* Yes No Has the student played in an orchestra before?* Yes No Please describe the student's previous orchestral experience*Please include the name of the ensemble and the number of years the student was a member.Level student currently plays in*Please select an optionVAM Symphony OrchestraVAM Intermediate OrchestraVAM Junior SymphonyVAM Pre-Junior SymphonyVAM Popcorn Orchestra: Harry PotterLevel of orchestra applying for*Please select an optionVAM Symphony OrchestraVAM Intermediate OrchestraVAM Junior SymphonyVAM Friendly Philharmonic (formerly Pre-Junior Symphony)I am not sure, and will submit an audition following the General Audition guidelines aboveVAM Symphony Orchestra: Please rank your preferred rehearsal time from 1 (most preferred) to 2 (least preferred)Link to audition video*Single-take videos are optional; if you are submitting a compilation, it is required to upload all the files to one folder and include a single link to the folder in your audition form (multiple links will not be accepted).Would you like to use this audition for entry into the Chamber Music Program? Yes, I would like to use this audition for entry into the Chamber Music Program. If you select "yes", after submitting this form you will be forwarded to a separate form for Chamber Music. Terms and Conditions* I understand that students are expected to complete the academic year in their assigned orchestral level. Returning students will be placed in the same level as the previous year unless they audition for a higher level. This field is hidden when viewing the formTerms and Conditions* I understand that entry into the Touring Orchestra requires a high level of performance and professionalism from all students, including those auditioning for sections in which the number of applicants is less than or equal to the number of available chairs. I hereby acknowledge that the decision of the Selection Committee is final and without appeal. terms* I acknowledge that the number of openings per section is subject to change at the Selection Committee's discretion. How did you hear about us?Non-refundable Orchestra Audition Fee* Price: Credit Card* Cardholder Name Card Details Additional notes: please use this space to write anything else you would like us to know (optional)NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ