Next ALP Soiree:
Adult Learning Program Soirée
Sunday, December 1st, 1:30 pm, 2024
Koerner Recital Hall
Submission process
1. Submissions are first come, first served.
2. Only students submitted using the online form will be considered.
3. Submissions MUST be made by a teacher.
4. You will receive an automated email when the form is submitted successfully, and a second email from VAM Administration when the student is confirmed to play in the concert.
If you have questions or concerns about the submission process, or if you did not receive an automated email within a few minutes of submitting, please contact Shelby ([email protected]) or come to the front office during office hours.
Pianists will not be provided by VAM for this concert.
Submission deadline: 11:59 p.m., Nov 15th
Declination of Submissions:
VAM administration reserves the right to decline submissions if the student has been absent without excuse for previous concerts if any of the terms stated herein are not followed, if the concert has already reached capacity (e.g., if a concert is filled outside the regular office hours of staff monitoring submissions and the form is not yet updated), or for any case deemed appropriate by VAM administration. Notice of declination will be sent promptly when the issue comes to the administration’s attention
Sorry. This form is no longer available.