Now accepting submissions for:
College Program Concert
Sunday, November 10th, 2024 at 3:30 PM
Koerner Recital Hall
Submission process
1. Submissions are first come, first served.
2. Only applications submitted on this online form will be considered.
3. You will receive an automated email when the form is submitted successfully, and a second email from VAM Administration when you are confirmed to play in the concert.
Preference may be given to students who have not yet participated in a College Performance Concert.
If you have questions or concerns about the submission process, or if you did not receive an automated email within a few minutes of submitting, please contact Thai ([email protected]).
Length requirements
The maximum performance time for each student is 12 minutes.
You may submit two pieces or multiple movements as long as the total (at the most) is under twelve minutes. Otherwise, please submit only one piece or movement that meets the 12-minute maximum.
Submission deadline: Friday, October 25th, 2024, 11:59 p.m. PST
Declination of Submissions:
VAM administration reserves the right to decline submissions if the concert has already reached capacity if the student is not in good standing, or for any case deemed appropriate by VAM. Notice of declination will be sent promptly when the issue comes to the administration’s attention.
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