Class Schedule
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Classes
- Tuesday May 31st, 2016
- Tuesday June 7th, 2016
- Tuesday June 14th, 2016
- Tuesday June 21st, 2016
- Tuesday June 28th, 2016
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Classes
- Tuesday July 5th, 2016
- Friday July 8th, 2016
- Tuesday July 12th, 2016
- Friday July 15th, 2016
- Tuesday July 19th, 2016
- Friday July 22nd, 2016
- Tuesday July 26th, 2016
- Friday July 29th, 2016
- Tuesday August 2nd, 2016
Advanced chromatic harmony and modulation to remote keys. Contrapuntal two-part writing covered in Counterpoint is extended to create compositions in the Baroque style.