Creating or contributing to an Endowment Fund
An endowment consists of a major sum of invested capital, the interest from which provides long-term support to the Vancouver Academy of Music while the original capital is preserved in perpetuity. Donors have the option of setting up their own endowed fund with the Vancouver Academy of Music being the annual beneficiary of your donor-directed gifts, or by contributing to either the Vancouver Academy of Music Foundation or to the Vancouver Academy of Music’s existing endowment fund which resides at the Vancouver Foundation.
Matching Gift
Many companies provide matching gifts for their employees as part of an employee benefits package. Contact your employer to determine whether this program exists and if your donation to the Vancouver Academy of Music can be matched.
Gift of Securities
Gifts of Securities are welcomed at the Vancouver Academy of Music. These gifts require special planning and consultation with your professional financial advisor. To discuss the donation of a Gift of Securities to the Vancouver Academy of Music, please contact Joseph Elworthy, President & CEO ([email protected]).
Full Legal Name: Vancouver Academy of Music |
Charity Registration Number: 10816 6240 RR0001 |