VAM Summer Class Structure: RCM Music Theory & History

VAM Summer Class Structure: RCM Music Theory & History

RCM Harmony 10 (online)

Instructor: Tiffany Lee
Recommended for: Students wishing to complete RCM examinations
Class Time: Fridays, 6:00-7:00pm (September intake) Thursday 5:30-6:30pm (January intake)
Semester Fee:
  • $1195
Class Description: September 2024-May 2025 or January-July 2025. In-person written exam is required. 27 classes, 3+ practice exams. Includes simplified notes package. (prerequisite: completion of RCM Harmony 9)

RCM Accelerated Grade 5 Theory

Instructor: Tiffany Lee
Recommended for: Students wishing to complete RCM examinations
Class Time: Monday/Friday, June 17th - August 16th, 7:00-7:55pm
Semester Fee:
  • $595
Class Description:

RCM Theory 5 (online, June to August)

Class Description:  This course is best suited for students who have had some written theory experience and are ready to start preparing for RCM theory exams.  Our 15-session course will cover topics from notation, pitch, scales types, rhythm, intervals, chords, cadences, melody writing, transposition, terms, and basic music appreciation.  There will be two (2) supervised online practice exams (Sunday mornings).

An evaluation test must be written before admittance into this accelerated course.  The RCM Theory 5 exam is optional and may be completed online in August.  Minimum age for this course is 9-years old at the time of registration.

Digital textbook can be purchased directly from the instructor.

RCM Accelerated ARCT History

Instructor: Tiffany Lee
Recommended for: Those who are aged 12+who have successfully completed the RCM Grade 8 Theory Exam
Class Time: June 9th - August 14th, Sundays 9:30-11:00am & Wednesdays 6:30-8:00pm
Semester Fee:
  • $1095
Class Description:

RCM History ARCT (online, June to August)

Class Description:  This course is for students who have completed the RCM History 10 exam.  Our 18-session course will cover music eras including the Romantic and Modern eras.  There will be two (2) supervised online practice exams (Sunday mornings).  Textbooks are optional; all students will receive a simplified notes package which covers all the course topics.  The RCM History ARCT exam is mandatory and must be completed as an online exam in August.

Textbook can be purchased directly from the instructor.

RCM Accelerated Grade 10 History

Instructor: Tiffany Lee
Recommended for: Those who are aged 12+who have successfully completed the RCM Grade 8 Theory Exam
Class Time: Tuesday/Thursday, June 9th - August 14th, 7:00-8:30pm
Semester Fee:
  • $995
Class Description:

RCM History 10 (online, June to August)

Class Description:  This course is for students who have completed the RCM History 9 exam.  Our 16-session course will cover music eras including the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical eras.  There will be two (2) supervised online practice exams (Sunday mornings).  Textbooks are optional; all students will receive a simplified notes package which covers all the course topics.  The RCM History 10 exam is mandatory and must be completed as an online exam in August.

Textbook can be purchased directly from the instructor.

RCM Accelerated Grade 9 History

Instructor: Tiffany Lee
Recommended for: Those who are aged 12+who have successfully completed the RCM Grade 8 Theory Exam
Class Time: Tuesday/Thursday, June 9th - August 14th, 4:00-5:30pm
Semester Fee:
  • $995
Class Description:

RCM History 9 (online, June to August)

Class Description:  This course is for students who have completed the RCM Theory 8 exam.  Our 16-session course will cover music eras including the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern eras.  There will be two (2) supervised online practice exams (Sunday mornings).  Textbooks are optional; all students will receive a simplified notes package which covers all the course topics.  The RCM History 9 exam is mandatory and must be completed as an online exam in August.  Minimum age for this course is 10-years old at the time of registration.

Textbook can be purchased directly from the instructor.

RCM Accelerated Grade 7 Theory

Instructor: Tiffany Lee
Recommended for: Students wishing to complete RCM examinations
Class Time: Monday/Friday, June 10th - August 9th, 8:00-9:00pm
Semester Fee:
  • $650
Class Description:

RCM Theory 7 (online, June to August)

Class Description:  This course is for students who have completed either the RCM Theory 6 exam.  Our 16-session course will cover topics from notation, pitch, scales types, rhythm, intervals, chords, cadences, melody writing, transposition, terms, and basic music appreciation.  There will be two (2) supervised online practice exams (Sunday mornings).

An evaluation test must be written before admittance into this accelerated course.  The RCM Theory 7 exam is recommended and may be completed either as an in-person or an online in August.

Textbook can be purchased directly from the instructor.

RCM Accelerated Grade 8 Theory

Instructor: Tiffany Lee
Recommended for: Students wishing to complete RCM examinations
Class Time: Monday/Friday, June 10th - August 9th, 4:00-5:00pm
Semester Fee:
  • $650
Class Description:

RCM Theory 8 (online, June to August)

Class Description:  This course is for students who have completed either the RCM Theory 7 exam.  Our 16-session course will cover topics from notation, pitch, scales types, rhythm, intervals, chords, cadences, melody writing, transposition, terms, and basic music appreciation.  There will be two (2) supervised online practice exams (Sunday mornings).

An evaluation test must be written before admittance into this accelerated course.  The RCM Theory 8 exam is mandatory and must be completed as an in-person exam in August.

Textbook can be purchased directly from the instructor.

RCM Accelerated Grade 6 Theory

Instructor: Tiffany Lee
Recommended for: Students wishing to complete RCM examinations
Class Time: Wednesday/Friday, June 10th - August 9th, 9:30-11:00am
Semester Fee:
  • $650
Class Description:

RCM Theory 6 (online, June to August)

Class Description:  This course is best suited for students who have had at least one-year of written theory experience and are ready to prepare for their first RCM exam.  Our 16-session course will cover topics from notation, pitch, scales types, rhythm, intervals, chords, cadences, melody writing, transposition, terms, and basic music appreciation.  There will be two (2) supervised online practice exams (Sunday mornings).

An evaluation test must be written before admittance into this accelerated course.  The RCM Theory 6 exam is optional and may be completed online in August.

Textbook can be purchased directly from the instructor.

RCM Harmony 9 (online)

Instructor: Tiffany Lee
Class Time: Tuesdays/Thursdays July 2nd - December 12th, 5:45-645pm (July intake) Mondays, 6:15-715pm (September intake) Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30pm (January intake) Thursdays, 4:30-5:30pm (January intake)
Semester Fee:
  • $1195
Class Description:

September 2024-May 2025 or January-July 2025. In-person RCM written exam required. 27 classes, 3+ practice exams. Includes simplified notes package.

(prerequisite: completion of RCM Theory 8)