Your Participation Can Mean $1 Million
Whether your passion is for music education or for concert performance, we invite you to join VAM in supporting this special campaign to advance Koerner Recital Hall as an exceptional educational and community resource for the 21st century.
This vision has already inspired the commitment of leadership donors to make exceptional contributions. Together, with your generosity and support, we can think beyond what is and instead ask what could be.
With a tax deductible donation in any amount meaningful to you, your contribution will stand as a legacy for generations of young musicians and concert audiences.
Become a Seat Tribute Donor with a donation of $1,000 per seat. By contributing one or more new seats throughout the hall, you will play an outstanding role in seating future audiences.
A Gift of Securities donation to the Campaign is very much welcomed.
Please contact VAM for details and transfer information.
Named Dedication opportunities are available for the following areas:
Foyer: $500,000
Artist’s Green Room: $50,000
Two Dressing Rooms (per room): $25,000
Campaign Recognition Wall: $15,000
Please contact VAM to discuss your interest.
Donor Recognition
All donors will receive Campaign Donor recognition on the VAM website and printed programs. In addition, Seat Tribute Donors and Major Donors of $5,000 and greater will be permanently recognized on the feature Campaign Recognition Wall in the foyer of Koerner Recital Hall.
Donations can be made:
1. Online
2. By completing the printable Donation Form and mailing it to Vancouver Academy of Music (address below).
3. By phone: 604.734.2301
4. In person:
Vancouver Academy of Music
1270 Chestnut Street
Vancouver, BC V6J 4R9