Vancouver Academy of Music is pleased to announce two new elementary enrichment programs in Language Arts. The cognitive link between music and writing is undeniable, and is aptly demonstrated with countless musical masterpieces that have been directly influenced by seminal works of literature. Taught by a certified elementary teacher, Reading Power and Writer’s Circle help students improve their reading comprehension and writing skills using provincial curriculum guidelines and highly-acclaimed, best practices programs. Recommended for all students in independent or public elementary schools and for students preparing for the Foundations Skills Assessment (FSA) tests in February or entrance examinations (SSATs, independent school entrance exam).
Reading Power and Language Arts. Saturday 2:00pm – 2:45pm ($260 per semester*)
Reading comprehension is tested on most entrance exams for elementary and secondary schools and every year during the Foundation Skills Assessment Test (FSAs) for all students in Grades 4 and 7 by the B.C. provincial government. This course is ideal for students who are interested in improving their reading, strengthening their comprehension and developing an appreciation for literature. Students will learn effective strategies to build their reading comprehension and language art skills using Adrienne Gear’s Reading Power and the Reading 44 program developed by the North Vancouver School District #44. Taught by a trained elementary teacher. Ages 8 and up or by permission from instructor.
Writer’s Circle. Saturday 2:45pm – 3:30pm ($260 per semester*)
In this course, students will actively explore the elements of powerful writing that will help them through their school career and beyond. Strategies will include The 6 Traits of Writing and Adrienne Gear’s Writing Power. Lessons will look at the importance of ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions and the presentation of their written work. Time will be set aside each class to experience a variety of genres and students will produce short-story writing pieces to add to their writing portfolio. Taught by a trained elementary teacher. Ages 8 and up or by permission from instructor.
*These fees do not include the $75 registration fee.
Contact us at the front desk to register. Space is limited, so register today!