About the Campaign

Your Participation Can Mean $1 Million


Looking beyond what is
imagining what could be

After four decades of continuous use, the 300-seat Koerner Recital Hall – the heart of VAM – is poised for a transformation. This ambitious $1 Million renovation aims to bring it forth into the 21st century and celebrate a dramatic turning point in the life of the Hall. The completion of this milestone project will transform the entire concert-going experience for future audiences, the students of VAM, and the entire performing arts community of Vancouver.

campaign committee

Mary Olson
Suzanne Scott
Monique Wilberg
Isabelle Wright
Yuen Pau Woo

    • Striking new Foyer
    • Elegantly enhanced Recital Hall stage
    • Transformation of Recital Hall interior
    • Re-designed house lighting
    • New theatre seats throughout
    • Backstage Area upgrade
    • Enhancement of Ancillary and Amenity Spaces
    • Creation of a new Artist’s Green Room

Renovation begins:   July 2017
Completion:                  November 2017


The Legacy for Future Generations

As a critical venue in the landscape of the Vanier Park cultural hub, the transformation of the 300-seat Koerner Recital Hall at VAM will signal its presence as a cornerstone and magnet for the community as it comes together, engaged in a rich and varied musical life pulsing with creative energy. Koerner Recital Hall – Transformed will truly be an inspiring space dedicated to cultural service and music education in Vancouver.


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